What do you want more of? Do you even know?

What do you want more of? Do you even know?

I experienced a really big milestone recently — I passed the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) exam to become a certified personal trainer. The last few months have been study, study, study… all while “regular” life was going on.  I'm normally really good at...

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How to get Clarity On Your Goals

How to get Clarity On Your Goals

Do you know what you want?    Last week I shared a post that was about going after what you want and my intention was to expand on that to help with getting unstuck and moving forward, but then I wondered:     When it comes to your health do you actually know what you...

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No, you can’t be a health coach! ?

No, you can’t be a health coach! ?

That time when I was really stuck and what I did about it...  I remember awhile back, I wrote in my journal that I wanted to be a health coach. And then I wrote a big, ugly “NO” under it. I literally said no to myself. Then I listed all the reasons why I shouldn’t. I...

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If you’ve ever said, “F, it!”

If you’ve ever said, “F, it!”

Most mornings I get up and do what's called morning pages; stream of consciousness kind of thing that's just for me. It's all great and wonderful that I have my sacred journaling time, but I don't want to be alone with my thoughts. I have a sense of urgency and...

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My Struggle with Discipline ?

My Struggle with Discipline ?

I hear and say (ahem, used to say) this word all the time: discipline. "I need to be more disciplined. I need to follow structure and routine and rules." I don't struggle with it when it comes to food and eating. I have standards, it's easy. I know what works for me,...

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4 Steps to What You Want

4 Steps to What You Want

I still remember the moment when I was journaling one early morning and I wrote, “I have a great relationship with food. But I have a horrible one with eating.”  It occurred to me that they’re not the same. Ding, ding, ding!! ? Food brings me joy; makes me feel...

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The Case for Life Math

The Case for Life Math

Ever heard of the phrase "Life Math?" I didn't coin the phrase, but I've had a case of it this last month where the numbers aren't adding up! Meaning there's more stuff going on than I "have time to do." I've missed sending you these messages. I've been launching...

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What kind of person are you?

What kind of person are you?

I’ve been thinking a lot about choices and using this phrase to help me through tough times – “I’m the kind of person who ________” Fill in the blank according to the situation. When I’m at the gym and I have that last rep to do: I’m the kind of person who does low...

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For the men… no guilt at being human

For the men… no guilt at being human

In 2017, I wrote a blog post called “No Guilt at Being Human.” I used to be a busy, stressed, martyred, perfectionist who felt like what I did was never enough.  My commitment in that post and at that time of my life was to: write more; have sex more; laugh more; not...

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