What is your perfect day?

What is your perfect day?

We like to use “conversation” cards during family dinner. This week, we had “describe a perfect day” and I asked my boys (who are 15 and 12) to list mine. It was crazy, cool how the responses were pretty much my life right now.  Working out, being with clients in the...

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How to take care of yourself

How to take care of yourself

  I am the woman who wakes up early so I can be my truest self throughout the day. Nothing enters my system before I have time to spend with myself… besides my coffee! ☕️ I don’t check email, texts or social media. There’s no to do lists, no demands. Nobody needs...

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A fun guessing game for you 🌟

A fun guessing game for you 🌟

My strength training program is designed as an 8 week cycle (4 different workouts that we alternate during that timeframe). The impact of consistency over these months is undeniable. At the end of a cycle, I do a Progress and Performance Analysis for my clients. The...

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Are you yelling at the baby?

Are you yelling at the baby?

If you would like to hear this as an audio recording, listen here.    Hi, Most of these emails come from conversations I’m having with my people… virtual or gym clients, friends, the Mistress group. Sometimes it can be a one-time remark that results in my brain...

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It’s a waste of energy to hate the scale…

It’s a waste of energy to hate the scale…

If you would like to hear this as an audio recording, listen here.    The scale is a data point.  It isn’t a reflection of who you are as a person.  It represents what and how you’ve been spending your time.  You may think about your weight frequently...

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The Thing People Ask for the Most

The Thing People Ask for the Most

If you would like to hear this as an audio recording, listen here.    What do you think the phrase is that I hear all the time as a coach and a trainer?  Is it: “I need —  more motivation.”to lose weight.”be consistent.”  To be fair, I do hear those frequently....

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What is your sabotage providing you?

What is your sabotage providing you?

If you would like to hear this as an audio recording, listen here.    There is always a thing beneath the thing.  We think our decisions are just “made” based on details and facts, using experience and knowledge to determine the best course of action.  This feels...

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Ouch! 5 Stitches and Making Time to Heal

Ouch! 5 Stitches and Making Time to Heal

If you would like to listen to this message as an audio recording, click here.    What have you been thinking a lot about this week?  I’ve been thinking about pain. Cause, well, I had to get 5 stitches and have had a black eye for a week now. It was the result of...

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Free Giveaway – Just this weekend!

Free Giveaway – Just this weekend!

If you would like to listen to this message as an audio recording, click here.  Since I got back from Peru there’s been a theme in my life that keeps coming up for me — strength and peace…  I love the feeling of picking up a loaded barbell. I love how it requires...

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Because the world is connected... 5% of all coaching packages is donated to Together Rising — transforming collective heartbreak into effective action.