Do you wanna be more focused?

Mar 14, 2022 | blog

Well this weird time vortex of week is almost over. The “Big Day” is past and there’s joy twinkling inside along with the fog of all the stimulation ~ the food, the peopling, maybe drinking, the gifts and shopping.

We clean up our spaces, lovingly and gratefully wear our new PJs (mine has hot pink trees on them with stars!!!💖)… and then, “what’s next?”

What’s Next? 

How does that phrase sound to you as you think about it?

Curious ~ like a toddler who is enraptured by life
Insistent or impatient ~ done with what’s past and ready to move forward
Weary and cautious ~ a little foreboding because 2020 and 2021 haven’t exactly been kind

Maybe some of all three!

Seriously, what’s next for you, <<First Name>>? 

How are going to bring to life what’s inside you?
I know, I know, such a dramatic question… (it’s the enneagram 7 in me lol).

What do you want?
What’s missing?
What are you seeking?

Future Me Philosophy 

I tend to be an “in the moment” person. I think this makes me flexible and easy to get along with. I see the good parts of most scenarios, so my usual response is joyfully: “whatever works for you!”

This works most of the time, but there’s instances when it doesn’t serve me and I abandon myself to keep the peace or care less about what’s right for me so someone else is happy.

Or maybe I choose the thing that brings me satisfaction in the present (even if it is actually self-sabotage, hello procrastination).

I’d like to get better at using this question:
What does future Laura want?
… like 5 years from now
… or maybe 6 months from now

Of course, we can’t know with 100% accuracy about the future because we all change and, jeez Covid, right? But I’ve spent the last couple years sort of “just getting through them” because of so many changes (no more school for a bit! ha ha). Between studying to become a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Nutrition Coach, I’m putting into practice what I’ve learned. I’m so freaking ready to cover more territory than what’s right in front of me.

I’ve written about this before. How I want to write a book; that I love being a personal trainer and want to grow that business and run my health coaching programs consistently.

Yep, still true.

Now, it’s time to GET FIRED UP!!! Personally I’ll be getting more specific with these goals because without that, they’re just intentions.

What good are intentions without action? Now is a great time to move from contemplation to action!!!

What does future <<First Name>> want? 

If you are feeling physically weak or wore out
If you’ve been overeating and want to reset
If you know you want to do something different to feel better and more energized, then I’ve got a couple things going on to tell you about!!!

#1 Transform 6 Week Personal Training and Nutrition Program

#2 Be Vibrant 3 Week Mind and Body Reboot

If you are saying, I don’t know what’s right for me, let me give you the scoop so you can decide.

Transform is for people who are local to the St. Charles area who want a personal fitness coach for 6 weeks.

You’ll get:

  • 6 one on one workout sessions with me
  • Access to unlimited group circuit training classes at Freedom Fitness Gym in Wentzville
  • Nutrition guidance based on your likes/dislikes
  • Accountability

We’ll map out the next 6 weeks of movement and eating, so you can get results based on what your specific goals are! You’ll go into 2022 not needing to “figure it out” on your own (no more watching random Instagram or youtube videos). At the end of your program, you’ll be stronger, more fit and feel better in your body.

To find out more about this, email me back (hit reply and I’ll get it). We’ll want to have a call to discuss the details.

Be Vibrant is for anyone who struggles with food, especially figuring out what to eat that’s healthy. This is also for you if spend a lot of time fighting off cravings or are ready for a reboot after a month of parties and cookies!

You’ll get:

  • 3 weeks worth of recipes!!!!
  • A menu plan
  • Daily support in a private Facebook group
  • One group call event

I’ll share my proven framework to help you with sticking to your goals in REAL time, called C.A.R. Clients who have learned this method are using in other areas of their life, not just with food (I personally do as well). We’ll focus on how to make real food tasty, so you can enjoy eating and not feel so frumpy. You’ll have more energy and create some healthy habits to carry you forward.

You can sign up here or write me back with questions.

Both of these programs will save you so much time and energy, instead of fussing around trying to get motivated to workout or find recipes!!! It’s all DONE FOR YOU!!!!

Now do you see why I’m so excited????

Pillars, Not Resolutions

I want to live in a way that is filled with meaning and connection, so when I’m on my deathbed, I know that others were served and lifted up and happier because we were in each other’s lives.

I want to model a life for my children that prioritizes health and wellness and treating myself with respect, from what I eat to who I surround myself with.

I want to honor my body for all that I ask of it, making sure to focus on all that it DOES (like breathing!) and not waste energy complaining or being at war with myself.

These are my pillars — internal beacons that are like guideposts! Not new year’s resolutions that fade away.

Free Gifts for You

I have some FREE gifts for you that are reflections of above!!

Here are two mobility and flow videos — one is a longer version with explanations and the other is the same movements but shorter (it’s still guided and is about 8 mins).
Stretch and Mobility Flow – long
Stretch and Mobility Flow – short

The second gift is a body surrender meditation. I tried to think of a clever name, but that’s all I got! This recording is for women who have ever been mean and ugly to their bodies — looking in the mirror with disgust or frustrated with how your clothes fit. It’s time to give up the suffering and hatefulness. It’s time to accept your body. It is only when you find peace, can you feel free. Here’s a secret… that’s when lasting change happens.

I personally do both of these! I push my body really hard because I love lifting heavy and challenging myself, and then I take the time to be thankful and grateful. Every workout is a miracle and a gift.

Afterward, you’ll feel lighter, free and in a better place to treat yourself well.

So. Much. Possibility.
I love the promise of the dawn of a new year.

Let’s make a promise to each other, [first name], to not get so caught up in the mundane. Let’s live our daily lives according to our big pillars. Let them be our guideposts as we make decisions about how we spend our precious resources.

So future you is like, whoo hooo!!!!

Transform 6 Week Training and Be Vibrant both start soon! We can kick off ASAP with an assessment and goal setting session at the gym and Be Vibrant officially begins on Jan 10 (recipes will be sent out at the end of next week). And of course, you could always do both!!! 😁

I’ll ask again, what does future <<First Name>> want?

Let’s do this!!!

May you be like the toddler, curious and enraptured. May you be willing to ask for help. May you feel gratitude for all that your body does for you.

Happy New Year! From my heart to yours,