What’s one important thing you’re going to do today?
What do you believe about that activity?
Will you relish it? Be challenged by it? Or just be glad when it’s over?
Our beliefs fuel everything — your perspective; the action you take; your attitude; and how you feel about yourself.
Notice how your beliefs influence your attitude and your energy. Do you feel excited and aligned or are you simply resigned?
This week my goal was to finish reconciling a year’s worth of business transactions in QuickBooks by Friday. I finished early. This morning, in fact. Before my kids even got on the bus!
I believed that it was important and that I could accomplish it – this fueled me to prioritize it and not procrastinate. Deep down, I believed in myself.
We always know the truth inside.
But we’re battered by others opinions, society’s expectations, the roles we need to fill… can you step away from that?
Stop for a moment and ask yourself what “What do I believe?”
Be fueled by that.
One of my favorite sayings is “I can and I will.” It keeps me going when I am feeling battered.
So, that important thing you’re doing today… what do you believe about it?
Or maybe there’s something coming up in your future and it’s weighing upon you.
Did you know that you can simply decide to have a new belief about something?
If you can observe your beliefs, you are better able to deliberately create the life you want… even in the face of circumstances that are uncomfortable, inconvenient or hard.
Actions are simply decisions put into motion, fueled by what we believe.
Notice your beliefs without judgment. Is it time to let go of something you used to believe?
If that seems impossible, trust me, it isn’t! I have so many examples in my life from the kind of food I used to never eat (oatmeal!) to sharing what I do for a living (I have two businesses; coaching + creative services!). It’s totally possible to form new beliefs about yourself and what you want out of life.
I would love to hear if you keep “bumping” up against a particular belief… is there something that is making you sad or isn’t serving you anymore? Can I help you process it; so you can shift from feeling like crap emotionally (aka broken) to a place that is more in-tune with who you are (aka happy).
It’s kind of my life’s purpose ~ helping people reclaim joy. Thus why I’m a coach (see how my belief has influenced my career choice). ?
May you realize how your beliefs color your world. May you feel the good, positive energy I’m sending you now. May you know you’re not alone.
Good luck with your one important thing!! YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!
Many hugs,