Name something that brings you personal fulfillment that’s not related to your family, your job, your volunteer commitments, your church ~ something that is so personal to you and you alone that you would be kind of lost without it. It doesn’t have to be something big and it can’t be something that is numbing, such as a TV show. Something that brings you happiness.
This is my speech that I gave during the Toastmasters Club Contest and ended up winning 1st Place! It was so gratifying, not because of winning, but to have come from a place where I felt broken. The people in my club are excellent, passionate, gifted speakers, so it was an honor to receive this accolade.I’ve learned so much from them and am truly grateful for the experience.
This speech is about my Reclaiming Myself.
It was a slow process that didn’t require a big change. The hardest part was sitting still, turning off inputs and to stop myself from constantly searching for fulfillment from outside sources.
Because what if, what if… happiness is already within us, just waiting to be acknowledged. Waiting to be encouraged. It’s your chance to reclaim yourself.