Free Gifts for the New Year💌

Free Gifts for the New Year💌

Well this weird time vortex of week is almost over. The “Big Day” is past and there’s joy twinkling inside along with the fog of all the stimulation ~ the food, the peopling, maybe drinking, the gifts and shopping.  We clean up our spaces, lovingly and gratefully wear...

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A Simple Holiday Greeting ⭐

A Simple Holiday Greeting ⭐

I know it's a hectic week. Lots to do, buy, and take care of; so, I'll keep this short and sweet. May you give yourself what you need. May you grant your own wish. Maybe it's a big thing that you're working toward or maybe you just need to rest your eyes for 5 mins or...

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When It’s Right to Look Back

When It’s Right to Look Back

Hustle. Keep moving and shaking. Just go for it. Stay the course. If you make a mistake, shake it off and move on.  But wait, there’s power and knowledge in stopping and assessing.  The question is, are you thought looping and stuck in shame or are you trying to gain...

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“Just Do Better” Doesn’t Work

“Just Do Better” Doesn’t Work

I wish I had a dollar for every time 11 year old son, Cash, said “candy corn” to me this week. I love Halloween for the costumes and colors and the excitement of being out and about trick or treating, but this “holiday” represents so much of what is messed up with our...

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Live with No Ragrets

Live with No Ragrets

I did a DISC assessment recently and was going to over the results with the facilitator and she said, “You are very concerned with making mistakes.”  Some people might call this perfectionism, but I think of it as more of fear of failure mixed with an aversion to...

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Never Ask For Help

Never Ask For Help

I think in a past life I was pioneer woman going out to settle new lands. I can see myself in a covered wagon going over dirt paths in a wagon, dealing with the dust and hardship with stoicism. I’m practical, efficient and uncomplaining, working sunup to sundown.  You...

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No Laughing On Tuesdays

No Laughing On Tuesdays

One time I was doing breathwork with my coach and during the practice, you’re supposed to laugh. Even if it’s a fake laugh, it just gets you going and then in some weird way, you can start really laughing.  But I couldn’t even start laughing or smiling. I said, “I...

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How to Feel Like Sh!t Forever

How to Feel Like Sh!t Forever

I write a lot about how to create change and growth, but I’ve been struggling with letting go and forgiving myself for things in my past. I’ve had a few people tell me that I’m kinda hard on myself (but I don’t really feel like I’m unique in that…).  This got me...

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We Got a Messed up Memo

We Got a Messed up Memo

How come when life is stressful, we think we have to go into survival mode? “I just need to get through this, and it will be better.”  How come we believe we can only thrive when things are “perfect?” It doesn’t make sense. Nothing is ever perfect. Especially not...

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