photo of laura harris

You’re here! Tell me everything!

My superpower is sifting through the problems, issues, and needs you currently face to find a way forward ~ without pain or guilt or shame or worrying about whether your status as a ‘good’ person hinges on eating that brownie.

I’m a designer and coach who would be thrilled to help you build a website, take a deep dive into your business, and/or discover the healthy self hiding inside you, even if you had corn chips for breakfast.

health coaching

This isn’t about eating freaking kale. It’s about helping you find the sexy, vibrant and alive you beneath your old habits and the endless recommendations for what to eat.

website design

If your website hasn’t been updated in years or doesn’t show off your value, then it’s time to create something compelling. Rainbows optional. Good design is not. 

A blog for rebels and joy seekers 

My Intentions ~ A Free Guide

My Intentions ~ A Free Guide

Do you set intentions? I’ve found that if I spend 5 minutes thinking about what my intentions are, it’s eerily awesome how much they come to fruition.  I journal every morning and often I’ll set my...

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Do you want to change your habits?

Do you want to change your habits?

I think our lives are really a series of habits. What do you think?  Is this true for you: "People do not decide their futures. They decide their habits, and their habits decide their futures.” -...

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Are we having fun yet? ?

Are we having fun yet? ?

I had this whole blog post I'd written about taking risks, but I felt like there was a different message to share this week. I want to ask you ~ are you having fun yet?  Not like, yay, it's Friday!...

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Something yummy for you

When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? What was the last fantabulous thing you said to yourself? Whatcha been feeding that one-and-only bod of yours?

Did you have to stop and think? ? Did you feel a little cringy?

Hey, I’m not judging you here — quite the opposite. I wanna lift you up!

Let’s make it easy for me to do that, all you have to do is sign up for my bi-monthly email. Every other Wednesday, you’ll get bits of joy and inspiration that you can use in your everyday life and in the kitchen. 

It’s super easy. Just sign up below. I’ll send you my Super Simple Salad Dressing recipe. It’s so easy! I even made it color coded! 

  • I promise. All joy. No spam.

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coaching client

There have been many times, in our work together, when her perspective has really shifted the way I was viewing something in my life and helped me to be more successful when taking on that particular goal or challenge. Laura is a wonderful coach, and you’ll truly enjoy her enthusiasm and excitement as you work through your health and wellness goals with her in your corner.


website client

Our law firm used Laura and her team at St. Louis ROI Marketing in order to make sure the content on our website was current with our industry, as well as visually appealing.  Laura’s experience and creativity really helped in the initial steps of developing our website, as well as guiding us through the whole process to make it as effortless as possible.  Her experience in developing creative and appealing websites, not only in our industry, but in general, helped us create a website that exceeded our expectations.

Bradshaw Steele

coaching client

Having a coach like Laura is like having a catalyst to motivation, especially followed up with encouragement. Planting a seed with what people could grow into with a change in their mindset.. this is something many people fail to see or believe in themselves. ? It is helpful to have someone who can give you motivation to achieve your goals that are outside of your inner circle.


creative client

Working with Laura is very easy, her response time to concerns or questions is quick. We never need to ask twice or wait unnecessarily for answers. She comes up with ideas and suggestions that make sense, which assures us that she is looking out for our best interests. We enjoy working with Laura and like having a longterm relationship.

Thompson Price Kitchen Bath & Homes