Unapologetic coaching

You’re already your best self… you’re just coming out of hiding.

Unapologetic coaching

You’re already your best self… you’re just coming out of hiding.

When you want to wake the F up

I thought that if I did a great job of taking care of my family, followed all the best diets and worked hard in my career, I would be fulfilled. 


I didn’t know I was hiding from myself. Mostly I used food (even the healthy kinds) to numb the stress. Busyness was my badge of honor. Joy always came last.

And one day,  I found myself sobbing in my kitchen. I felt broken.

Since then, I’ve learned to treat myself as a human being with needs and desires ~ the ones that are fulfilling to me ~ the things that make me feel ALIVE…  and whole and fulfilled.    

Those cheesy inspirational quotes about “becoming your best self” piss me off because I’m already who I want to be in so many ways — and so are you!

But then there’s things that are continually frustrating and overwhelming, no matter how many “resets” you do or resolutions you make? What then? 

When you’re ready to love on yourself

I workout, eat with nutrition in mind, I have great sex and I do those things from a place of joy, not punishment or obligation.

I can help you find the sexy, vibrant and alive you beneath your old habits and the endless recommendations for what to eat.

Yes, we can talk about food choices and workouts, but really I’ll help you love yourself and your body. 

My coaching isn’t about “good” or “bad” foods, it’s about feeding your deepest desires. Want to stop apologizing for who you are, what you want and be able to look in the mirror without cringing?

Want to be enjoy being in your body for minutes (even hours) at a time?

And eat with joy at the same time?  

Let’s create your joyful life!


I have 3 spots ONLY 1 spot available!

This is a 4 month package that includes:

  • Planning your future goals meeting 
  • Bi-weekly calls (6 coaching calls)
  • Messaging access in between
  • Progress report – so you can actually see
  • your progress
  • Customized resources, specific to your lifestyle needs
  • A Celebration meeting where we celebrate meeting your milestones


Not sure? Let’s chat for a few minutes!

“Coaching was new to me. Laura is one of the best listeners I have ever met. So I dove in and what I learned is she not only listens, but is able to process what you say. This led to several helpful actions she proposed that I currently use on a daily basis to help me overcome challenging situations. Laura is caring, insightful, and does not judge, she just helps!”

~ Joe

Because the world is connected... 3% of all coaching packages is donated to Together Rising — transforming collective heartbreak into effective action.