by Laura | Jun 4, 2020 | blog
I like to talk about food. Not just to lecture people about junk food. Or to say there is certain protocol that is best. But because cooking and eating bring me joy. When I put on my apron at the end of the day, I’m filled with a sense peace and creativity. I’m not...
by Laura | May 20, 2020 | blog
What if what we’re experiencing is exactly as it was supposed to be? The pain, too, especially the pain. Not because of learning how to accept it or because we’re supposed to learn some great lesson (which we probably will). But simply because that’s what I was...
by Laura | May 6, 2020 | blog
Most mornings I start the day off with quiet and coffee. I never know what’s going to come out… it’s a free for all once I get my pen in my hand lol. This is from those morning pages; a compilation of lessons and reminders of how I live my life. Much of it is contrary...
by Laura | Apr 22, 2020 | blog
There is only one constant in this world right now. Only one thing we can truly control. That is our breath. Through it and with it we can influence our own bodies in very powerful ways. How are you breathing? Is it shallow, just to the chest? Or can you get the air...
by Laura | Apr 9, 2020 | blog
I always say humans are horrible at assessing risk. It takes statistics to move us as a population — think seatbelts, smoking, getting rid of transfats. All those things took monumental numbers of people being hurt to make shifts in our everyday lives. In the...
by Laura | Mar 26, 2020 | blog
How are you doing? I don’t know about you, but it’s hard not to soak up all the energy of this crazy stuff going on in our collective world. Sometimes I feel like an open wound and then I read the news and it’s like pouring salt on the pain. Ouch. It {meaning...
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